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126 Phillip Street

The journey of being involved in projects and supplying lighting throughout this remarkable building has been truly fulfilling. Ten years ago, I had the privilege of replacing all the fire stair lighting, which still maintains its pristine appearance today in 2024.

Over the years, my relationship with the Investa group has flourished significantly. Together, we have embarked on numerous projects, including car park lighting, loading dock enhancements, and the implementation of fully controlled Dali wireless office lighting, complete with concealed air up-and-down lights. A recent highlight includes the upgrade to the reception area, featuring lighting fixtures reaching 12 meters high.

Our dedication to providing a unique lighting package has ensured outstanding coverage, eliminating any dark spots on the walls and floors. Recognizing the significance of lighting in the office environment, we understand that it plays a crucial role in maximizing efficiency and well-being.

Ensuring the welfare of our clients' staff by providing optimal lighting contributes to a positive and productive workspace. It's our commitment to creating environments where individuals thrive, ensuring they step into a well-lit and welcoming atmosphere each day.

Thank you to the team at 126 Phillip Street for all your support over the years.